How We Care

How We Care: Episode 19: The benefits of Reflective Practice

Episode Summary

Elizabeth and Paul discuss the many benefits of reflective practice, and their own individual experience of using reflective practice to enhance professional practice.

Episode Notes

Here is a link to a full transcript of Episode 19

Engaging in reflective practice can help you to;

* Evaluate your strengths and areas for development as a practitioner in your field

* Identify your core professional values and ways to incorporate them into your practice 

* Develop your plans for your own continuous professional development (CPD)

* Develop a better understanding of the perspectives of clients and colleagues 

* Increase your effectiveness and employability in your field. 

Taken from the Coventry University MA Career Development and Management course resources.

Here are some definitions you may find helpful; 

Reflection - Engagement in a deliberate mental process of thinking about, or contemplating, things that have happened, what was experienced and learned, from our own and from others' points of view. Reflection here means looking beneath the surface to find the truth about something, to draw conclusions for building new knowledge. 

Reflexivity - Reflexivity is the process of 'stepping back' from a situation we are involved in, for a 'helicopter view' of ourselves. Here we examine ourselves to gauge our values, assumptions, behaviour and relationships, and thereby monitor our learning and develop our intra-personal and inter-personal skills (equating to self-management, and external relationships). 

Critical Reflection - Critical Reflection is the adoption of a questioning stance to solve problems, challenge the 'status quo' and examine our own assumptions. This extends to consideration of wider socio-political perspectives and other relevant diverse contexts, theory and professional activity. 

Reflective Practice - Reflective Practice is the use of self-analysis to understand, evaluate and interpret events and experiences in which we are involved. This extends to being able to form a theoretical view or analysis, as would allow clear explanation to others, if required. The process of Reflective Practice seeks to enable insights and aid learning for new personal understanding, knowledge, and action, to enhance our self-development and our professional performance. 


Here is quick and easy introduction to reflective practice and it’s benefits

Reflective Practice | SkillsYouNeed

If you’d like to delve deeper into reflective practice, here is a free ten-session Open Learning course from Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Syllabus | Reflective Practice: An Approach for Expanding Your Learning Frontiers | Urban Studies and Planning | MIT OpenCourseWare

If you’d like to find our more or obtain a transcript of this episode, contact Elizabeth via  Twitter at @lizahpool or Paul at uk  or email

You can also find us on Twitter at @howwecarepod